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Channel variables

Channel variables are, as the name implies, variables related to the channel of the event where the channel variables are used.

All Channel variables

  1. <channel_id>: The ID of the channel where the variable is used (f.e. 944644872940433429);
  2. <channel_mention>: This will mention the channel where the variable is used;
  3. <channel_name>: The name of the channel where the variable is used (f.e. info-and-rules);
  4. <channel_type>: The type of the channel (f.e. GUILD_TEXT, GUILD_VOICE or GUILD_FORUM);
  5. <channel_created_at>: The date and time of when the channel was created based on the timezone setting set by the server. The format will be dd-mm-yyyy HH:MM:SS;


Mention variables, can not be used in the footer of embed since they dont support mention strings!