The Husqy Socials module allows you to keep track of your favorite celebrities, websites or news, all within your Discord server. The Husqy Socials module provides connections (called components of the socials module) for Reddit, Twitch and RSS feeds.
Setting up
In order to enable the Socials module you have to navigate to the Socials dashboard. There you will be prompted with an option to enable the socials module. After pressing to enable the module, a sidebar will appear for validation of enabling the module.
Disabling the socials module
To disable the socials module, navigate to the Socials dashboard and click the here button at the top of the page to disable the module and delete the settings.
Adding or removing from component monitored lists
To add or remove a entry from the component monitored lists, navigate to the Socials dashboard. On this page, select the target component of which you want to add or remove an entry. To add an account, press the Add < component > button, insert the entry, target channel and mention everyone option in the sidebar and press the Create entry button in this sidebar. To remove an account, press the Delete button in the table overview.
Changing the configuration of the socials module
The only reconfigurable items of the socials module are to enable or disable the different components. This is done in the Socials dashboard.
Additional info
- To go to the Socials dashboard, please do the following steps:
- Go to;
- Select the target server;
- In the sidebar press the Socials tab;