Husqy API reactionroles module
Endpoints related to general Husqy Modules Reactionroles.
GET - /modules/reactionroles/
Home endpoint for the Modules Reactionroles Husqy API. Returns only success message displaying that it is the Modules Reactionroles Husqy API route.
DELETE - /modules/reactionroles/delete
Delete all panels and reactionrole entries for a specified guild.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to delete the settings from |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
Endpoints related to the status of the module
GET - /modules/reactionroles/status
Get the status of the reactionroles module for the specified guild.
Query string parameters:
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to check the status of |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
POST - /modules/reactionroles/enable
Endpoint to enable the reactionroles module for the specified guild.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to enable the reactionroles module for |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleEnabledError
- DatabaseError
POST - /modules/reactionroles/disable
Endpoint to disable the reactionroles module for the specified guild.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to disable the reactionroles module for |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
- DatabaseError
Endpoints related to reactionrole panels
GET - /modules/reactionroles/panels
Returns a list of reactionrole panels for the specified guild.
Query string parameters:
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to get the reactionrole panels from |
page | no | integer | The page number to get (default = 1) |
page_size | no | integer | The amount of panels to return in one page (default = 10) |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
- InternalServerError
POST - /modules/reactionroles/panels
Endpoint to create a new reactionrole panel in a guild.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to create the reactionrole in |
is_register | yes | boolean | Wether the message to use for the reactionrole panel already exists. Note: when registering an existing message, panel_type can only be "emoji" |
channel_id | yes | integer | The ID of the channel where the message is or will be located |
limit_roles_to_one | yes | boolean | Wether the roles a member can claim via the panel is only based on one entry (entries with multiple roles will give all roles for that entry) |
supports_remove | yes | boolean | Wether the panel supports removal of entries from users when reacting/removing reactions |
remove_roles_from_users_on_entry_delete | yes | boolean | Wether the roles for an entry should be removed from a user when the entry gets deleted |
panel_type | yes | string | The type of the panel. Can be: "emoji", "button" or "dropdown" |
keep_counter_at_one | yes (when panel_type is "emoji") | boolean | Wether the emoji counter should be kept at one |
delete_unrelated_emoji_reactions | yes (when panel_type is "emoji") | boolean | Wether other emojis not registered to the panel should be removed |
register_message_id | yes (when is_register is True) | integer | The ID of the existing message to use as the panel |
is_embed | yes (when is_register is False) | boolean | Wether the message content is an embed json config |
content | yes (when is_register is False) | string | The content to use for the message. Can also be embed json config if is_embed is True |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
- InternalServerError
- DiscordApiInteractionError
- DatabaseError
- Unprocessable Entity
"success": False,
"data": {},
"error": {
"code": 422,
"message": "Unprocessable Entity! {reason}",
GET - /modules/reactionroles/panel/{reactionrole_panel_id}
Returns a details of the specified reactionrole panel in the specified guild.
Query string parameters:
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to get the specified reactionrole panel details from |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
- InternalServerError
DELETE - /modules/reactionroles/panel/{reactionrole_panel_id}
Deletes the specified reactionrole panel and all related reactionrole entries from the specified guild.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild where the specified reactionrole panel to delete is located |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- InternalServerError
- ModuleDisabledError
- DatabaseError
PUT - /modules/reactionroles/panel/{reactionrole_panel_id}
Edit the settings of the specified reactionrole panel in the specified guild.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild where the specified reactionrole panel to delete is located |
panel_type | yes | string | The new type of the reactionrole panel. Can be: "emoji", "button" or "dropdown" |
limit_roles_to_one | yes | boolean | The new setting for limit roles to one |
supports_remove | yes | boolean | The new setting for supports remove |
remove_roles_from_users_on_entry_delete | yes | boolean | The new setting for remove roles from users on entry delete |
keep_counter_at_one | yes (when panel_type is "emoji") | boolean | The new setting for keep counter at one |
delete_unrelated_emoji_reactions | yes (when panel_type is "emoji") | boolean | The new setting for delete unrelated emoji reactions |
message_content | yes | string | The new message content. Required but can be None if the message is not an Husqy created message |
message_is_embed | yes | boolean | If the new message content is an embed json config. Required but will not have any effect if the message is not an Husqy created message |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- InternalServerError
- ModuleDisabledError
- DatabaseError
- Unprocessable Entity
"success": False,
"data": {},
"error": {
"code": 422,
"message": "Unprocessable Entity! {reason}",
Reactionrole entries
Endpoints to check reactionrole entries for a panel.
GET - /modules/reactionroles/panel/{reactionrole_panel_id}/entries
Returns a list of reactionrole entries added to the reactionrole panel in the specified guild.
Query string parameters:
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild where the panel is located |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
- InternalServerError
POST - /modules/reactionroles/panel/{reactionrole_panel_id}/entries
Endpoint to create a new reactionrole entry for a panel in a guild.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to create the reactionrole in |
role_ids | yes | list | A list of role ID's to give to the users when reacting |
emoji_name | yes | string | The literal emoji, f.e. 😁 or the name of the emoji when it is a custom guild emoji |
emoji_id | yes | integer | The ID of the custom emoji. When using a default emoji, this can be None |
text | yes | string | The label text of the button or dropdown item. Can be None when the panel is an emoji panel or button panel. Required for a dropdown panel |
description | yes | string | The description text of the dropdown item. Can be None. |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
- InternalServerError
- DatabaseError
- Unprocessable Entity
"success": False,
"data": {},
"error": {
"code": 422,
"message": "Unprocessable Entity! {reason}",
GET - /modules/reactionroles/panel/{reactionrole_panel_id}/entries/{reactionrole_entry_id}
Returns the details of a reactionrole entry added to the reactionrole panel in the specified guild.
Query string parameters:
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild where the panel is located |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
- InternalServerError
DELETE - /modules/reactionroles/panel/{reactionrole_panel_id}/entries/{reactionrole_entry_id}
Endpoint to delete the reactionrole entry from the panel in a guild.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to create the reactionrole in |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
- InternalServerError
- DatabaseError
PUT - /modules/reactionroles/panel/{reactionrole_panel_id}/entries/{reactionrole_entry_id}
Endpoint to edit the reactionrole entry for the panel in a guild.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to create the reactionrole in |
role_ids | yes | list | The new list of role ID's to link to the reactionrole entry |
text | yes | string | The new label for the button or dropdown. Can be None when panel type is emoji or button. Required for panel type dropdown |
description | yes | string | The new description to show in the dropdown for this entry. Can be None |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
- InternalServerError
- DatabaseError
Checking entries
Endpoints to check entries for adding or deleting
POST - /modules/reactionroles/check
Do not use this endpoint yourself! Roles will be added by Husqy when needed.
Endpoint to handle the interaction with a reactionrole panel (entry).
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild where the interaction takes place |
message_id | yes | integer | The ID of the message that is interacted with |
message_id | yes | integer | The ID of the message to which is reacted |
channel_id | yes | integer | The ID of the channel where the interacted with message is located |
interaction_type | yes | string | The type of interaction. Can be: "component", "reaction_add" or "reaction_delete" |
interaction_custom_id | yes (when interaction_type is "component") | string | The custom ID linked to the button or dropdown |
interaction_id_token | yes (when interaction_type is "component") | string | The token of the interaction |
application_id | yes (when interaction_type is "component") | string | The ID of the application |
interaction_value | yes (when interaction_type is "component") | string | The value behind the dropdown item. Can be None for buttons |
emoji_name | yes (when interaction_type is NOT "component") | string | The literal emoji f.e. 😁 that is being reacted with or the name of the custom emoji |
emoji_id | yes (when interaction_type is NOT "component") | string | The ID of the custom emoji. Can be None for a normal emoji. |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
- InternalServerError
- NotFoundError (Custom)
"success": False,
"data": {},
"error": {
"code": 404,
"message": "Not Found! {reason}",
- Unprocessable Entity
"success": False,
"data": {},
"error": {
"code": 404,
"message": "Unprocessable Entity! {reason}",
POST - /modules/reactionroles/panel/check-delete
Do not use this endpoint yourself! Panels will automatically be delete by Husqy when the channel or message that is the panel get deleted.
Endpoint to check if a deleted message is or a deleted channel has a reactionrole panel.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild where the specified reactionrole entry to delete is located |
channel_id | yes | integer | The ID of the channel which is deleted or where the deleted message is located |
message_id | yes | integer | The ID of the message which is deleted. Can be None when a channel gets deleted |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
- InternalServerError
Endpoints related to privacy and the tags module
GET - /modules/reactionroles/privacy/get-user-entries
Do not use this endpoint yourself! This endpoint will be used by Husqy's Privacy configurator (/privacy
) command.
Endpoint to get the amount of references in reactionroles to your user.
Query string parameters:
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to get the specified references in |
privacy_member_id | yes | integer | The ID of the member who wants to check their references |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- ForbiddenError
- InternalServerError
DELETE - /modules/reactionroles/privacy/delete-user-entries
Do not use this endpoint yourself! This endpoint will be used by Husqy's Privacy configurator (/privacy
) command.
Endpoint to delete the references in reactionroles to your user.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to delete the specified references in |
privacy_member_id | yes | integer | The ID of the member who wants to remove their references |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- ForbiddenError
- InternalServerError