Husqy API tickets module
Endpoints related to general Husqy Modules Tickets.
GET - /modules/tickets/
Home endpoint for the Modules Tickets Husqy API. Returns only success message displaying that it is the Modules Tickets Husqy API route.
GET - /modules/tickets/settings
Get the settings of the tickets module for the specified guild.
Query string parameters:
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to get the settings of |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
- InternalServerError
PUT - /modules/tickets/settings
Endpoint to change the settings of the reactionroles module for the specified guild.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to change the reactionroles module settings for |
ticket_support_role | yes | integer OR string | The ID of the role to use as the ticket support role (may be "create" if you want Husqy to create a support role) |
thread_mode | yes | boolean | If new tickets should be created as a thread |
ticket_post_channel | yes | integer | (May be None if thread_mode is True) The ID of the channel where to post new tickets (may be "create" if you want Husqy to create a ticket post channel) |
custom_creation_content | yes | string | The content for the custom creation message (may be "default" if you want to use the default message) |
custom_creation_embed | yes | boolean | If the custom creation content is an embed or message (set to True if you use "default" for the custom_creation_content) |
custom_creation_modal | yes | string | The content for the custom creation modal (may be "default" if you want to use the default modal) |
used_default_ticket_types_create | yes | list | A list of default ticket types to add as options |
used_default_ticket_types_delete | yes | list | A list of default ticket types to remove as options |
used_custom_ticket_types_create | yes | list | A list of custom ticket types to add as options |
used_custom_ticket_types_delete | yes | list | A list of custom ticket types to remove as options |
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
- InternalServerError
- DatabaseError
DELETE - /modules/tickets/settings/delete
Delete all settings of the tickets module for a specified guild.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to delete the settings from |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
GET - /modules/tickets/available-ticket-types
Get the currently supported default ticket types in the language of the specified guild.
Query string parameters:
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to check the default ticket types for |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
Endpoints related to the status of the module
GET - /modules/tickets/status
Get the status of the tickets module for the specified guild.
Query string parameters:
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to check the status of |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
POST - /modules/tickets/enable
Endpoint to enable the tickets module for the specified guild.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to enable the tickets module for |
ticket_support_role | yes | integer OR string | The ID of the role to use as the ticket support role (may be "create" if you want Husqy to create a support role) |
thread_mode | yes | boolean | If new tickets should be created as a thread |
ticket_creation_category | yes | integer OR string | The ID of the category channel to use as the place where users can create tickets (may be "create" if you want Husqy to create a ticket category channel) |
ticket_creation_channel | yes | integer OR string | The ID of the channel to use as the place where users can create tickets (may be "create" if you want Husqy to create a ticket creation channel) |
ticket_post_channel | yes | integer OR string | (May be None if thread_mode is True) The ID of the channel where to post new tickets (may be "create" if you want Husqy to create a ticket post channel) |
setup_mode | yes | string | The setup mode you want to use. Can be "Minimal", "Complete" or "Custom" |
custom_creation_content | yes | string | (May be None if setup_mode is "Minimal") The content for the custom creation message (may be "default" if you want to use the default message) |
custom_creation_embed | yes | boolean | (May be None if setup_mode is "Minimal") If the custom creation content is an embed or message (set to True if you use "default" for the custom_creation_content) |
custom_creation_modal | yes | string | (May be None if setup_mode is "Minimal") The content for the custom creation modal (may be "default" if you want to use the default modal) |
used_default_ticket_types | yes | list | (May be [] if setup_mode is "Minimal") A list of default ticket types to add as options |
used_custom_ticket_types | yes | list | (May be [] if setup_mode is "Minimal") A list of default ticket types to add as options |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleEnabledError
- DatabaseError
POST - /modules/tickets/disable
Endpoint to disable the tickets module for the specified guild.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to disable the reactionroles module for |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
- DatabaseError
Handling tickets
Endpoints related to handling tickets
POST - /modules/tickets/ticket/show-form
Do not use this endpoint yourself! Forms will be showed by Husqy in Discord when needed.
Endpoint to make Husqy show the ticket form.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
message_id | yes | integer | The ID of the message that is reacted to, in other words the ticket message |
modal_interaction | yes | integer | The ID of the interaction |
modal_interaction_token | yes | integer | The token of the interaction |
ticket_type | yes | string | The type of the ticket |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
POST - /modules/tickets/ticket/handle-form
Do not use this endpoint yourself! Forms will be handled by Husqy when needed.
Endpoint to make Husqy handle the ticket form.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
message_id | yes | integer | The ID of the message that is reacted to, in other words the ticket message |
interaction_custom_id | yes | integer | The ID of modal that is reacted to |
modal_interaction | yes | integer | The ID of the interaction |
modal_interaction_token | yes | integer | The token of the interaction |
first_interaction_value | yes | integer | The values of the forms that is reacted to |
second_interaction_value | yes | integer | The values of the forms that is reacted to |
third_interaction_value | yes | integer | The values of the forms that is reacted to |
fourth_interaction_value | yes | integer | The values of the forms that is reacted to |
fifth_interaction_value | yes | integer | The values of the forms that is reacted to |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
Endpoints related to privacy and the tags module
GET - /modules/tickets/privacy/get-user-entries
Do not use this endpoint yourself! This endpoint will be used by Husqy's Privacy configurator (/privacy
) command.
Endpoint to get the amount of references in tickets to your user.
Query string parameters:
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to get the specified references in |
privacy_member_id | yes | integer | The ID of the member who wants to check their references |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- ForbiddenError
- InternalServerError
DELETE - /modules/tickets/privacy/delete-user-entries
Do not use this endpoint yourself! This endpoint will be used by Husqy's Privacy configurator (/privacy
) command.
Endpoint to delete the references in tickets to your user.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to delete the specified references in |
privacy_member_id | yes | integer | The ID of the member who wants to remove their references |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- ForbiddenError
- InternalServerError