Husqy API serverstats module
Endpoints related to general Husqy Modules Serverstats.
GET - /modules/serverstats/
Home endpoint for the Modules Serverstats Husqy API. Returns only success message displaying that it is the Modules Serverstats Husqy API route.
GET - /modules/serverstats/settings
Get the settings of the serverstats module for the specified guild.
Query string parameters:
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to check the status of |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
- InternalServerError
PUT - /modules/serverstats/settings
Endpoint to change the settings of the serverstats module for the specified guild.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to change the serverstats module settings for |
counter_panel_enabled | yes | boolean | If the counter panel should be enabled |
counter_panel_category_channel | yes | integer | The ID of the category channel to use for the counter panel |
counter_panel_member_count_channel | yes | integer | (May be None) The ID of the channel to use for the display of current guild member count |
counter_panel_online_member_count_channel | yes | integer | (May be None) The ID of the channel to use for the display of current online guild member count |
counter_panel_custom_panels_create | yes | list | (May be []) A list of objects consisting of a channel_name key and role_id key to add as custom panels for online members with role |
counter_panel_custom_panels_delete | yes | list | (May be []) A list of channel ID's which are a custom panels for online members with role to remove |
counter_panel_server_boost_number_channel | yes | integer | (May be None) The ID of the channel to use for the display of current guild boosts |
starboard_enabled | yes | boolean | If the starboard should be enabled |
starboard_channel | yes | integer | (May be None) The ID of the channel to use as the channel where starred messages are highlighted |
starboard_count | yes | integer | (May be None if starboard_enabled is false) The amount of stars a message should have before going on the starboard |
stats_command_usage | yes | boolean | If command statistics should be enabled |
stats_message_statistics | yes | boolean | If message statistics should be enabled |
stats_track_bot_messages | yes | boolean | If bot messages should be tracked as part of the message statistics |
stats_functions_reminders_statistics_enabled | yes | boolean | If reminders statistics should be enabled |
stats_functions_giveaways_statistics_enabled | yes | boolean | If giveaways statistics should be enabled |
stats_modules_tempchannels_statistics_enabled | yes | boolean | If tempchannels statistics should be enabled |
stats_modules_autoresponder_statistics_enabled | yes | boolean | If autoresponder statistics should be enabled |
stats_modules_reactionroles_statistics_enabled | yes | boolean | If reactionroles statistics should be enabled |
stats_modules_tags_statistics_enabled | yes | boolean | If command tags should be enabled |
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
- InternalServerError
- DatabaseError
DELETE - /modules/serverstats/settings/delete
Delete all settings of the serverstats module for a specified guild.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to delete the settings from |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
Endpoints related to the status of the module
GET - /modules/serverstats/status
Get the status of the serverstats module for the specified guild.
Query string parameters:
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to check the status of |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
POST - /modules/serverstats/enable
Endpoint to enable the serverstats module for the specified guild.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to enable the serverstats module for |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleEnabledError
- DatabaseError
POST - /modules/serverstats/disable
Endpoint to disable the serverstats module for the specified guild.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to disable the serverstats module for |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
- DatabaseError
- InternalServerError
Endpoints related to starboards
POST - /modules/serverstats/starboard/add
Do not use this endpoint yourself! Starboard messages will be created by Husqy when needed.
Endpoint to check a message for sending to the starboard channel.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild where the possible starboard message is located |
channel_id | yes | integer | The ID of the channel where the interacted message is located |
message_id | yes | integer | The ID of the message which is the interacted message |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
- InternalServerError
POST - /modules/serverstats/starboard/remove
Do not use this endpoint yourself! Starboard messages will be removed by Husqy when needed.
Endpoint to check a message for sending to the starboard channel.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild where the possible starboard message is located |
channel_id | yes | integer | The ID of the channel where the interacted message is located |
message_id | yes | integer | The ID of the message which is the interacted message |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
- InternalServerError
Endpoints related to statistics
Statistics view endpoints will return a list of objects containing all information you need about the statistics.
POST - /modules/serverstats/stats/counter-panel/check-deleted-channel
Do not use this endpoint yourself! Husqy will update the configuration when a channel that is a counter panel channel is deleted.
Endpoint to check if a channel is a counter panel channel and update the configuration.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild where the removed channel is located |
channel_id | yes | integer | The ID of the channel that is removed |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
POST - /modules/serverstats/stats/counter-panel/update
Do not use this endpoint yourself! Husqy will update counter panel channels on a regular interval.
Endpoint to check if a channel is a counter panel channel and update the configuration.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
Possible errors:
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
- InternalServerError
POST - /modules/serverstats/stats/command/check
Endpoint to check if a command usage has to be added to the statistics.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild where the command has been executed |
command | yes | string | The command that is executed |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
GET - /modules/serverstats/stats/command/view
Get the statistics of the command usage.
Query string parameters:
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to check the status of |
days | no | integer | The amount of days to return back (maximum is 30) |
user_id | no | integer | The ID of the user to filter the statistics for |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
- InternalServerError
POST - /modules/serverstats/stats/message/check
Endpoint to check if a message has to be added to the statistics.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild where the message has been send |
member_is_bot | yes | boolean | If the member is a bot |
channel_id | yes | integer | The ID of the channel where the message is sent |
message_id | yes | integer | The ID of the message that is sent |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
GET - /modules/serverstats/stats/message/view
Get the statistics of the messages.
Query string parameters:
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to check the status of |
days | no | integer | The amount of days to return back (maximum is 30) |
user_id | no | integer | The ID of the user to filter the statistics for |
channel_id | no | integer | The ID of the channel to filter the statistics for |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
- InternalServerError
POST - /modules/serverstats/stats/functions/reminders/created
Endpoint to check if a created reminder has to be added to the statistics.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild where the reminder has been created |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
GET - /modules/serverstats/stats/functions/reminders/created/view
Get the statistics of the created reminders.
Query string parameters:
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to check the status of |
days | no | integer | The amount of days to return back (maximum is 30) |
user_id | no | integer | The ID of the user to filter the statistics for |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
- InternalServerError
POST - /modules/serverstats/stats/functions/reminders/deleted
Endpoint to check if a deleted reminder has to be added to the statistics.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild where the reminder has been deleted |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
GET - /modules/serverstats/stats/functions/reminders/deleted/view
Get the statistics of the deleted reminders.
Query string parameters:
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to check the status of |
days | no | integer | The amount of days to return back (maximum is 30) |
user_id | no | integer | The ID of the user to filter the statistics for |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
- InternalServerError
POST - /modules/serverstats/stats/functions/giveaways/responders
Endpoint to check if a giveaway response has to be added to the statistics.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild where the giveaway that has been responded to is located |
old_giveaway_id | yes | string | The ID of the giveaway that has been responded to |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
GET - /modules/serverstats/stats/functions/giveaways/responders/view
Get the statistics of the responders to giveaways.
Query string parameters:
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to check the status of |
days | no | integer | The amount of days to return back (maximum is 30) |
user_id | no | integer | The ID of the user to filter the statistics for |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
- InternalServerError
POST - /modules/serverstats/stats/functions/giveaways/created
Endpoint to check if a created giveaway has to be added to the statistics.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild where the giveaway has been created |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
GET - /modules/serverstats/stats/functions/giveaways/created/view
Get the statistics of the created giveaway.
Query string parameters:
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to check the status of |
days | no | integer | The amount of days to return back (maximum is 30) |
user_id | no | integer | The ID of the user to filter the statistics for |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
- InternalServerError
POST - /modules/serverstats/stats/functions/giveaways/deleted
Endpoint to check if a deleted giveaway has to be added to the statistics.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild where the giveaway has been deleted |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
GET - /modules/serverstats/stats/functions/giveaways/deleted/view
Get the statistics of the deleted giveaway.
Query string parameters:
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to check the status of |
days | no | integer | The amount of days to return back (maximum is 30) |
user_id | no | integer | The ID of the user to filter the statistics for |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
- InternalServerError
POST - /modules/serverstats/stats/modules/tempchannels/created
Endpoint to check if a created tempchannel has to be added to the statistics.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild where the tempchannel has been created |
initial_creator_id | yes | integer | The ID of the member creating the tempchannel |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
GET - /modules/serverstats/stats/modules/tempchannels/created/view
Get the statistics of the created tempchannels.
Query string parameters:
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to check the status of |
days | no | integer | The amount of days to return back (maximum is 30) |
user_id | no | integer | The ID of the user to filter the statistics for |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
- InternalServerError
POST - /modules/serverstats/stats/modules/tempchannels/creation-time
Endpoint to check if a creation time of a tempchannel has to be added to the statistics.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild where the tempchannel has been created |
initial_creator_id | yes | integer | The ID of the member creating the tempchannel |
creation_time_delay | yes | integer | The amount of time it took for the tempchannel to be created |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
GET - /modules/serverstats/stats/modules/tempchannels/creation-time/view
Get the statistics of the creation time of tempchannels.
Query string parameters:
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to check the status of |
days | no | integer | The amount of days to return back (maximum is 30) |
user_id | no | integer | The ID of the user to filter the statistics for |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
- InternalServerError
POST - /modules/serverstats/stats/modules/tempchannels/deletion-time
Endpoint to check if a deletion time of a tempchannel has to be added to the statistics.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild where the tempchannel has been deleted |
initial_creator_id | yes | integer | The ID of the member who is the initial creator of the tempchannel |
deletion_time_delay | yes | integer | The amount of time it took for the tempchannel to be deleted |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
GET - /modules/serverstats/stats/modules/tempchannels/deletion-time/view
Get the statistics of the deletion time of tempchannels.
Query string parameters:
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to check the status of |
days | no | integer | The amount of days to return back (maximum is 30) |
user_id | no | integer | The ID of the user to filter the statistics for |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
- InternalServerError
POST - /modules/serverstats/stats/modules/reactionroles/check-time
Endpoint to check if a reactionrole check time should be added to the statistics.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild where the tempchannel has been deleted |
check_time_delay | yes | integer | The time it took for the reactionrole to be checked |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
GET - /modules/serverstats/stats/modules/reactionroles/check-time/view
Get the statistics of the check time of reactionroles.
Query string parameters:
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to check the status of |
days | no | integer | The amount of days to return back (maximum is 30) |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
- InternalServerError
POST - /modules/serverstats/stats/modules/tags/send-time
Endpoint to check if a tag send time should be added to the statistics.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild where the tempchannel has been deleted |
send_time_delay | yes | integer | The time it took for the tag to be sent |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
GET - /modules/serverstats/stats/modules/tags/send-time/view
Get the statistics of the send time of tags.
Query string parameters:
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to check the status of |
days | no | integer | The amount of days to return back (maximum is 30) |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
- InternalServerError
POST - /modules/serverstats/stats/modules/autoresponder/response-time
Endpoint to check if a autoresponder response time should be added to the statistics.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild where the tempchannel has been deleted |
response_time_delay | yes | integer | The time it took for the autoresponder response to be checked |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
GET - /modules/serverstats/stats/modules/autoresponder/response-time/view
Get the statistics of the autoresponde response time.
Query string parameters:
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to check the status of |
days | no | integer | The amount of days to return back (maximum is 30) |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- SettingsError
- ModuleDisabledError
- InternalServerError
Endpoints related to privacy and the tags module
GET - /modules/serverstats/privacy/get-user-entries
Do not use this endpoint yourself! This endpoint will be used by Husqy's Privacy configurator (/privacy
) command.
Endpoint to get the amount of references in serverstats to your user.
Query string parameters:
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to get the specified references in |
privacy_member_id | yes | integer | The ID of the member who wants to check their references |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- ForbiddenError
- InternalServerError
DELETE - /modules/serverstats/privacy/delete-user-entries
Do not use this endpoint yourself! This endpoint will be used by Husqy's Privacy configurator (/privacy
) command.
Endpoint to delete the references in serverstats to your user.
Body data (JSON):
field | required | type | description |
guild_id | yes | integer | The ID of the guild to delete the specified references in |
privacy_member_id | yes | integer | The ID of the member who wants to remove their references |
Possible errors:
- BadRequestError
- ForbiddenError
- InternalServerError